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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Administrators and the translation is 67% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Administrators and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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Den här sidan förklarar administratörers (ibland kallad admin eller sysop) roll på Wikimedia Commons. Notera att detaljer för rollen och hur administratörer utnämns kan skilja sig åt mellan webbplatser.

Om du vill begära hjälp från administratörer, gör ett inlägg på administratörernas anslagstavla.

Det finns för tillfället 179 administratörer på Commons.

Vad är en administratör?

Administrators as of september 2024
Listing by: LanguageDateActivity [+/−]

Number of Admins: 179

  1. -revi, ko, en-3
  2. 1234qwer1234qwer4, ru, de-4, en-3
  3. 1Veertje, nl, en-4, de-1, fr-1
  4. 32X, de, en-2, hsb-1, ru-1
  5. 99of9, en (bureaucrat)
  6. A.Savin, ru, de-4, en-2
  7. Aafi, ks, ur-5, en-3, hi-2, ar-1
  8. Abzeronow, en, fr-1
  9. Achim55, de, en-3, nds-3, la-2
  10. AFBorchert, de, en-3
  11. Ahonc, uk, ru-4, en-2, de-1
  12. Aka, de, en-3
  13. Alno, fr, en-3, es-2, pt-1
  14. Андрей Романенко, ru, en-3, uk-3, be-2, fr-2, lv-2
  15. Ankry, pl, en-2, ru-1
  16. AnRo0002, de, en-2, fr-2, es-1
  17. Anthere, fr, en-3
  18. AntiCompositeNumber, en, fr-2 (steward)
  19. Aude, en, ar-2, de-2, es-3
  20. Bedivere, es, en-4, pt-1
  21. Billinghurst, en
  22. Blackcat, it, en-3, fr
  23. BrightRaven, fr, en-3, nl-2, es-2, zh-1
  24. Butko, ru, uk-2, en-1
  25. Captain-tucker, en
  26. Christian Ferrer, fr, en-2, es-2
  27. Ciell, nl, en-2, de-1
  28. Common Good, en
  29. CptViraj, gu, hi-4, en-3 (bureaucrat)
  30. Cromium, en, de-1, fr-1
  31. Cybularny, pl, en-2, es-1, de-1
  32. Czar, en
  33. DaB., de, en-1
  34. DarwIn, pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-2, ca-1, it-1, oc-1
  35. Davepape, en
  36. DerHexer, de, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1 (steward)
  37. Dharmadhyaksha, mr, en-3, hi-3
  38. DMacks, en
  39. Didym, de, en-2, fr-2
  40. Dyolf77, ar, fr-5, en-2, it-1, es-1
  41. D-Kuru, de, en-2, it-1
  42. Ebrahim, fa, en-3
  43. Elcobbola en, de (checkuser)
  44. Ellin Beltz, en (bureaucrat)
  45. Ellywa, nl, en-2, de-1, fr-1
  46. Emha, de, bar, en-3, fr-1
  47. Érico, pt, en-2, es-1
  48. EugeneZelenko, ru, be, en-2, bg-1, pl-1 (bureaucrat)
  49. Explicit, en, es, ko-2
  50. Ezarate, es-3, en-1
  51. Fitindia, en-3, hi-2, mr-2
  52. FunkMonk, da, en-4, no-3, fo-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1
  53. Gbawden, en-3, af-1
  54. Geagea, he, ka-3, en-3, ru-1
  55. Geni, en
  56. George Chernilevsky, ru, uk-3, de-2, en-2, bg-1, la-1, be-1, fr-1
  57. Gestumblindi, als, de, en-3
  58. Gnangarra, en, nys-1
  59. GPSLeo, de, en-2
  60. GreenMeansGo, en
  61. Grin, hu, en-3, de-1
  62. Hekerui, de, en-4
  63. Herbythyme, en, fr-2, es-1, it-1
  64. Hesperian, en
  65. Holly Cheng, en, ja-2
  66. Huntster, en
  67. Indeedous, de, en-3, fr-2
  68. Infrogmation, en, es-1
  69. IronGargoyle, en, de-1
  70. Jameslwoodward, en, fr-1 (bureaucrat, checkuser)
  71. Jaqen, it, en-2
  72. Jarekt, pl, en
  73. JarrahTree, en, id-1
  74. Jcornelius, de, lt-2, la-2, en-2, pt-2, fr-1
  75. Jdforrester, en
  76. Jean-Frédéric, fr, en-4, es-1
  77. Jianhui67, en, zh-4, ja-2, ms-1
  78. Jmabel, en, es-3, ro-2, de-1, ca-1, it-1, pt-1, fr-1
  79. Joergens.mi, de, en-3
  80. JoKalliauer, de, en-3
  81. Jon Kolbert, en, fr-4, de-2 (steward)
  82. Josve05a, sv, en-3
  83. Jusjih, zh, en-3, fr-2, ko-1
  84. Kadı, tr, en-5, fr-2, az-2
  85. Kallerna, fi, en-3, sv-2, de-1
  86. King of Hearts, en, zh-3, es-2, ja-1
  87. Klemen Kocjancic, sl, en-3, de-2, hr-1, bs-1
  88. Krd, de, en-3 (bureaucrat, checkuser)
  89. Krinkle, nl, en-3, de-2
  90. Kritzolina, de, en-3, fr-2, it-1
  91. Léna, fr, en-3, es-1
  92. Leyo, gsw, de, en-3, fr-3, es-1, la-1
  93. Lofty abyss, en, mt, it-2
  94. Lymantria, nl, en-3, de-2, fy-2, fr-1, zea-1
  95. Magog the Ogre, en, es-2
  96. Mahagaja, en, de-4, fr-2, ga-2, la-2, cy-1
  97. Maire, pl, en-4, es-2, fr-2, de-2, ru-1
  98. Marcus Cyron, de, en-2
  99. Masur, pl, en-3, de-1
  100. Materialscientist, en-4, ru-4, nl-3, fr-1, es-1
  101. Matrix, en, ta-2
  102. MB-one, de, en-3, fr-1, pt-1
  103. MBisanz, en
  104. Mdaniels5757, en, es-1
  105. MGA73, da, en-3, de-2, no-1, sv-1
  106. Mhhossein, fa, en-3, ar-1
  107. Micheletb, fr, en-3, it-1, es-1
  108. Mike Peel, en, pt-2, fr-1
  109. Minorax, en, zh (oversighter)
  110. Missvain, en
  111. Mitchazenia, en, es-2
  112. Miya, ja, en-2
  113. Moheen, bn, as-1, bpy-1, en-3, hi-1, hif-1
  114. Morgankevinj, en
  115. MPF, en, da-2, de-1, fr-1
  116. Multichill, nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
  117. Mys 721tx, zh, en-3
  118. Nagy, de, en-3, fr-2, es-1, sv-1
  119. NahidSultan, bn, en-3, bpy-1
  120. Natuur12, nl, en-3, de-1
  121. notafish, fr, en-4, de-3, es-2, it-2
  122. odder, pl, en-4, de-2 (bureaucrat, oversighter)
  123. P199, en, nl, fr-2, tl-2, de-1
  124. Pi.1415926535, en, es-2
  125. Platonides, es, en-2, fr-1
  126. Poco a poco, es, de-4, en-3, fr-2, it-2, pl-2, pt-1
  127. Podzemnik, cs, en-2
  128. Polarlys, de, en-2, fr-1, no-1
  129. Pyb, fr, en-2
  130. Pymouss, fr, en-3, de-2, it-2, he-1
  131. Racconish, fr, en-4
  132. Ragesoss, en, de-1, fr-1
  133. Ra'ike, de, en-2
  134. Rastrojo, es, en-3, fr-2, eo-1
  135. Raymond, de, en-3, nl-1 (oversighter)
  136. Red-tailed hawk, en, es-4, pt-2, ug-1
  137. Regasterios, hu, en-1
  138. Rehman, en, si-1
  139. Reinhard Kraasch, de, en-3
  140. Rimshot, de, en-4, fr-2, it-1
  141. Romaine, nl, en-3, de-2, af-1, fr-1
  142. Rosenzweig, de, en-3, fr-1, la-1
  143. Royalbroil, en, es-1
  144. RP88, en, de-1
  145. Rudolphous, nl, en-3, de-2
  146. Ruthven, it, fr, en-4, es-4, nap-4, ca-2, de-1
  147. Sadads, en, es-3
  148. Sanandros, als, de, en-3, fr-1
  149. Satdeep Gill, pa, en-5, hi-5, es-3, fr-2, fa-1
  150. Shizhao, zh, en-1, ru-1
  151. Spiritia, bg, en-3, ru-2, mk-2, de-1
  152. Sreejithk2000, ml, en-3, hi-3, ta-1, kn-1
  153. Steinsplitter, bar, de-4, it-3, en-1
  154. Stifle, en, ga, fr-2, de-1
  155. Storkk, en, fr-3, de-2, eo-2
  156. Strakhov, es, en-2
  157. TadejM, sl, en-3, de-2, fr-2
  158. Taivo, et, en-3, ru-3, de-1
  159. Teles, pt, en-3, es-2
  160. Themightyquill, en, fr-2, de-1, hu-1
  161. The Squirrel Conspiracy, en
  162. Thibaut120094, fr, en-2, ja-1
  163. Thuresson, sv, en-3, no-2
  164. Tulsi, ne, mai, en-3, hi-2, hif-2, bh-1
  165. Túrelio, de, en-3, es-1
  166. VIGNERON, fr, de-2, en-2, zh-1
  167. Wdwd, de, en-2
  168. Well-Informed Optimist, ru, uk-4, en-3
  169. Wikitanvir, bn, en-3, de-2, as-2, bpy-1
  170. Wutsje, fy, nl, en-3, de-2, fr-1
  171. Yann, fr, en-4, hi-2, gu-1
  172. Yasu, ja, en-2, de-1
  173. Ymblanter, ru, en-3, de-2, fr-2, nl-2, it-1, es-1
  174. Yuval CT, he, en-3
  175. Zzyzx11, en, es-1, fr-1
  176. علاء, ar, en-4, he-1, es-1 (steward)
  177. Abuse filter, (automated account)
  178. CommonsDelinker, (bot) see request
  179. KrinkleBot, (bot) see request

If 179 is not the last number on this list, there may be an error or there are some users assigned temporarily.


Administratörer är användare med den tekniska förmågan att göra följande på Wikimedia Commons:

  • radera och återställa bilder och andra uppladdade filer, samt att visa och återställa raderade versioner
  • radera och återställa sidor, samt att visa och återställa raderade sidversioner
  • skydda och ta bort skydd på sidor, samt att redigera administratörsskyddade sidor
  • blockera och häva blockeringar för användare, individuella IP-adresser och IP-adressintervall
  • redigera gränssnittsmeddelanden med lägre skydd (se även Commons:Interface administrators)
  • byta namn på filer
  • lägga till och ta bort användargrupper
  • konfigurera kampanjer i uppladdningsguiden
  • radera och återställa specifika logginlägg och sidversioner
  • importera sidor från andra wikier
  • slå samman sidor
  • modifiera missbruksfilter
  • låta bli att skapa omdirigeringar vid filflyttar
  • åsidosätta stavningskontroll och svartlistan för titlar och användarnamn
  • skicka ett meddelande till flera användare samtidigt (massmeddelande)
  • använda högre begränsningar i API-frågor

Dessa går tillsammans under benämningen administratörsverktyg.


Administrators are experienced and trusted members of the Commons community who have taken on additional maintenance work and have been entrusted with the admin tools by public consensus/vote. Different admins have different areas of interest and expertise, but typical admin tasks include determining and closing deletion requests, deleting copyright violations, undeleting files where necessary, protecting Commons against vandalism, and working on templates and other protected pages. Of course, some of these tasks can be done by non-admins as well.

Administrators are expected to understand the goals of this project, and be prepared to work constructively with others towards those ends. Administrators should also understand and follow Commons' policies, and where appropriate, respect community consensus.

Apart from roles which require use of the admin tools, administrators have no special editorial authority by virtue of their position, and in discussions and public votes their contributions are treated in the same way as any ordinary editor. Some admins may become more influential, not due to their position as such, but from the personal trust they may have gained from the community.

Förslag för administratörer

Var god läs Commons:Guide to adminship.

Borttagning av administratörsrättigheter

Enligt policyn för tillbakadragning av administratörsrättigheter kan rättigheterna dras tillbaka p.g.a. inaktivitet eller missbruk av administratörsverktygen. In a de-admin request, normal standards for determining consensus in an RfA do not apply. Instead, "majority consensus" should be used, whereby any consensus to demote of higher than 50% is sufficient to remove the admin.

Ansök om att bli en administratör

All intending administrators must go through this process and submit themselves to RFA, including all ex-administrators who are seeking to return to their previous role.

Gå först till Commons:Administrators/Howto och läs informationen där. Kom sedan tillbaka hit och gör din begäran i avsnittet nedan.

  • If someone else nominated you, please accept the nomination by stating "I accept" or something similar, and signing below the nomination itself. The subpage will still need to be transcluded by you or your nominator.

Använd fältet nedan och ersätt Username med ditt eget användarnamn:


Any registered user may vote here although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted. It is preferable you give reasons for both Support and Oppose votes as this will help the closing bureaucrat in their decision. Greater weight is given to an argument, with supporting evidence if needed, than to a simple vote.

Promotion normally requires at least 75% in favour, with a minimum of 8 support votes. Votes from unregistered users are not counted. However, the closing bureaucrat has discretion in judging community consensus, and the decision will not necessarily be based on the raw numbers. Bureaucrats may, at their discretion, extend the period of an RfA if they feel that it will be helpful in better determining community consensus.

 Neutral comments are not counted in the vote totals for the purposes of calculating pass/fail percentages. However, such comments are part of the discussion, may persuade others, and contribute to the closing bureaucrat's understanding of community consensus.

Rensa cachen Använd redigeringslänken nedan för att redigera den mallinkluderade sidan.

Ansökan om administratörsstatus

När den är slutförd bör sidor som listas här arkiveras på Commons:Administrators/Archive.

  • Var god läs Commons:Administratörer innan du röstar här. Inloggade användare för rösta, fast de som har få eller inga redigeringar kanske inte räknas helt.
Related requests:


Bastique (talk · contributions · deleted user contributions · recent activity · logs · block log · global contribs · CentralAuth) (Activity: Talk Commons DR)

Scheduled to end: 21:39, 1 October 2024 (UTC)

I'm not going to be wordy. I was a Commons Administrator for 12 years, from 2006 to 2018, when I lost the status because of inactivity. Much of that was my career and slowly growing apart from the Wikimedia projects in general. But in the last couple of years I've increased my involvement in the projects, helping when I've found the time. And I managed to bring myself to Wikimania this year in Katowice, reacquainting myself with the community and meeting a huge number of new people.

I was satisfied with just being a contributor and reviewer, however, I understand there is a huge backlog of things that need to be done, and I felt compelled to ask for the administrator rights again so I can better help with tasks here.

Plus, Iam committed to not falling into inactivity again! Bastique ☎ appelez-moi! 21:39, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Requests for bureaucratship

When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Bureaucrats/Archive.

  • Please read Commons:Bureaucrats before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.

No current requests.

Requests for CheckUser rights

When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Checkusers/Archive.

  • Please read Commons:Checkusers before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.

No current requests.

Requests for Oversight rights

When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Oversighters/Archive.

  • Please read Commons:Oversighters before voting here. Any logged in user may vote, although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.

No current requests.

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