That’s where we get started…

1. Top Rated Events

We’ve hosted 1,000,000+ participants to date, with an average rating of 4.96 / 5.0.

2. Run by Experts

Our hosts are carefully selected, extensively prepared and supported by a network of trainers, managers and creatives. You are in good hands.

3. Fit Your Budget

Most experiences range from $20pp to $80pp. We also have options for packages, large groups and customizations.

4. Happiness Guarantee

If your team’s average rating is less than 4.8 / 5.0 then your next event is on us.

5. 45,000+ Happy Clients

We provide exceptional team building experiences for Apple, Amazon, Google, Johnson & Johnson, NASA, the US Air Force and thousands more happy clients. Maybe we’ve hosted an event for your organization too.

6. Fresh Experiences

Our creative team develops hundreds of unique team building experiences, extensively tests and refines them, and only releases the best of the best to clients. When an event has run its course, we either refresh the experience or in some cases retire it altogether.

7. Stealth Team Building

We pioneered an industry leading approach called Stealth Team Building. Every experience is designed to be so good that it’s the kind of thing you’d plan with friends, rave to your besties about, and want to do again and again. The team engagement and collaboration effects happen under the radar.

8. Social Scaffolding

Not everyone is an extrovert or comfortable in new situations. Our events start with simple, accessible engagement that anyone can do, and build from that foundation to maximize participants.

9. Fun First

Our events are designed to be fun first, and we believe fun should never feel forced.

10. No Third Parties

Your experience is never outsourced to third-party companies or contractors. Your event is created, run and supported by employees.

11. Easy Bookings

You can book virtual events instantly, and in-person events with one quick phone call.

12. Flexible Terms

We have reasonable policies for cancellations, reschedules, no-shows and low-shows.

11. No Third Parties

Your experience is never outsourced to third-party companies or contractors. Your event is created, run and supported by employees.

12. Flexible Bookings

We have reasonable policies for cancellations, reschedules, no-shows and low-shows.

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