How to Run Hybrid Meetings: 21 Key Steps

By: | Updated: April 17, 2024

You found our list of tips on how to run hybrid meetings.

Hybrid meetings involve a blend of in-person and virtual participation. Facilitators have to balance virtual and in-person attendees. For example, key aspects include ensuring equal participation and maintaining communication. The purpose of these steps is to create an environment that fosters collaboration and engagement. These steps are also known as “hosting hybrid meetings” and “coordinating hybrid meetings.”

These tips on how to run hybrid meetings are types of team meeting tips and are similar to hybrid team building activities, hybrid work schedules, and hybrid Christmas ideas.


This list covers:

  • hosting hybrid meetings
  • coordinating hybrid meetings
  • effective hybrid meetings
  • running meetings with hybrid teams
  • facilitating hybrid meetings
  • guide to hybrid meetings

Let’s get to it!

List of how to run hybrid meetings

From pre-meeting planning to ending the meeting on a high note, here is our guide on running meetings for hybrid teams.

1. Pre-meeting Plan

Preparing for a hybrid meeting is critical. Before the session, create an agenda, clarify goals, and set ground rules. In addition, consider time zones for remote participants and assign roles such as a facilitator or notetaker. To prevent potential glitches, test your tech beforehand.

2. Virtual Platform

It is important to choose the best virtual platform to host effective hybrid meetings. This tool can encourage seamless interaction between all participants, increasing collaboration. Depending on the platform, you can use various features. Examples include real-time chat, file sharing, polls, and breakout rooms. Such tools enhance the hybrid meeting experience.

Here are the best virtual meeting platforms.

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3. Physical Setups

Preparing the physical setup for hybrid meetings is crucial for a seamless experience. This step involves arranging the room with the necessary equipment. For instance, cameras, microphones, and speakers ensure clear communication. Additionally, setting up a specific area to show remote participants on a screen can help them feel more engaged. It is also important to consider lighting and acoustics for a better meeting experience. By establishing effective physical setups, hybrid meetings can be much more effective.

4. Equal Participation

When hosting hybrid meetings, it is important to ensure all workers feel like leaders can hear their opinions. To boost this feeling, encourage both in-person and virtual participants to contribute to discussions. Polling features and clear agendas can help with the flow of the meeting. These tips level the playing field and give each attendee the chance to engage.

5. Meeting Agenda

A meeting agenda is an important guide to hybrid meetings. Brevity is crucial when crafting meeting agendas. This document lists topics, speakers, and timing to ensure efficient discussions. A well-crafted agenda helps keep the meeting focused. This feature also allows participants to prepare for their contributions. By setting clear objectives and timelines for each item, hybrid meetings can run smoothly and effectively.

6. Technology Check

One important part of facilitating hybrid meetings is making sure that your technology is ready. Hosts should use dependable video conferencing platforms, high-quality microphones, and cameras. Also, it is vital to test all equipment before the meeting begins to prevent any technical issues. By checking the technology beforehand, you can reduce the chances of disruptions.

7. Communication Tactics

Communication methods are essential for hosting successful hybrid meetings. One useful method involves delivering messages that are clear and to the point. Another helpful approach is seeking feedback from both in-person and remote attendees. Further, using different communication tools can help connect on-site and virtual participants. By using these communication methods, hybrid meetings can greatly improve.

8. Time Management

To manage meeting lengths, use a timer or other time management tool. Further, have a well-defined agenda and stick to it. In your agenda, set specific timelines for every discussion point. Delegating tasks can help distribute the workload and make meetings more efficient. You should also prioritize time-sensitive topics to ensure seamless hybrid meetings.

Here is a list of books on time management.

9. Hybrid Facilitator Role

A strong facilitator is essential for running meetings with hybrid teams. This host ensures smooth communication between in-person and remote participants. Hosts also manage technology and ensure all participants stay engaged. The facilitator ensures both physical and virtual attendees have equal chances to contribute. Further, these hosts actively monitor meeting dynamics and address any technical issues. Essentially, hybrid facilitators keep discussions on track and foster meaningful interactions.

10. Team Engagement

Engagement is the most important part of effective meetings. To keep participants interested, use tools like interactive polls, team building games, and breakout rooms. In addition, be sure to actively involve remote participants in discussions and decision-making processes. These strategies improve meeting outcomes and encourage collaboration among all participants.

Here is a list of virtual employee engagement ideas.

11. Meeting Rules

To ensure participation from both physical and remote attendees, set clear meeting rules in advance. These rules might include no interruptions, respecting speaking time, and muting when not speaking. It is crucial to make each rule apply to all members, regardless of where an individual is joining from.

12. Group Activities

Group activities are a great addition to hybrid meetings. Breakout sessions, interactive polls, and brainstorming activities all help team members interact. These exercises foster connections, encourage participation, and ensure participants feel involved.

Get inspired with hybrid team building activities.

13. Feedback

Participants should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts after hybrid meetings. Getting this feedback helps identify issues and improve future sessions. Techniques include conducting polls, allowing anonymous suggestions, or using feedback apps. Consistent evaluation ensures meeting effectiveness and participant satisfaction.

14. Continuous Improvement

To run hybrid meetings well, add continuous improvement to your process. After each meeting, analyze the session, identify any flaws, and come up with solutions. In addition, be sure to act on the feedback from attendees. Finally, adjust setup or protocols as needed, and aim for enhancing overall efficiency.

15. Meeting Documentation

During hybrid meetings, documentation is vital. You can ask a designated employee to take notes. These workers will keep track of attendees, both physical and virtual. Plus, employees should record all key points discussed, decisions made, and tasks assigned. Teams can use digital tools like Google Docs for real-time note-taking. This way, every participant has access to the document. Such communication allows for clarity, transparency, and easy follow-up post-meeting.

16. Visual Aids

Visual aids play a crucial role in engaging participants during hybrid meetings. Charts, graphs, and slides can simplify details and keep the audience’s attention. Effectively using visual aids helps clarify key points and improves retention. Visuals should be straightforward yet impactful to support the info without overwhelming attendees. In hybrid meetings, visual aids are valuable assets that can enhance presentations significantly.

17. Audio Quality

Good audio is key for clear communication when coordinating hybrid meetings. This step enhances meeting efficiency and prevents misunderstandings. To ensure top-notch audio, the whole team should use high-quality microphones and headphones. These tools reduce background noise and echo. Additionally, using a platform with strong audio features will improve the experience. Superior audio quality greatly impacts participant interaction and collaboration.

18. Video Quality

To ensure the best video quality for hybrid meetings, use a high-definition camera and good lighting. A stable internet connection can avoid disruptions. Adjusting camera angles improves clarity and minimizes background distractions. Lastly, test all equipment before your meeting. Together, these elements create a smooth and professional visual experience.

19. Meeting Breaks

Meeting breaks are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. When planning a hybrid meeting, schedule short five to ten-minute breaks every hour. This easy step gives participants a chance to relax, refresh, and mentally process information. Well-timed breaks help improve engagement and prevent meeting fatigue.

20. Tech Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting technology during hybrid meetings is important to ensure smooth communication. Problems like weak internet connection, audio feedback, or device issues can interrupt the meeting. By testing equipment before the meeting, participants can deal with potential tech problems. It is also helpful to have a dedicated tech support person on hand to address any unexpected issues. Efficient tech troubleshooting boosts meeting productivity and reduces interruptions.

21. Ending the Meeting

When ending the meeting, it is crucial to recap key points, decisions, and action items. Summarizing ensures that the team leaves with a clear understanding of what they accomplished. In the end, participants should also have time to ask questions for clarification or provide feedback. This practice promotes accountability and helps prevent misunderstandings. Wrapping up meetings effectively ensures all attendees are on the same page.

List of hybrid meeting tools

Hybrid teams need to use the right technology to have effective meetings.

Here are some of the best hybrid meeting tools available:

  • Zoom: Zoom offers a hybrid meeting solution, allowing in-person and remote participants to join meetings easily. The platform provides features like screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, and interactive whiteboarding.
  • Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams offers a hybrid meeting experience with features like video conferencing, chat, file sharing, and integration.
  • Google Meet: Google Meet offers a hybrid meeting solution with features like high-definition video conferencing, screen sharing, and integration with other Google Workspace apps.
  • Cisco Webex: Cisco Webex offers features like video conferencing, screen sharing, and virtual breakout rooms. This site supports a mix of in-person and remote participants.
  • GoTo Meeting: GoToMeeting is a hybrid meeting platform with features like video conferencing, screen sharing, and collaboration tools.
  • Remo: Remo is a virtual event platform that supports hybrid meetings with features like video conferencing, virtual tables, and interactive tools.
  • Hopin: Hopin is an all-in-one virtual events platform that supports hybrid meetings. Features include video conferencing, networking, and interactive sessions.
  • Airmeet: Airmeet supports hybrid meetings with features like video conferencing, networking lounges, and interactive sessions.
  • Eventbrite Hybrid Events: Eventbrite offers tools for organizing hybrid events, including features for ticketing, registration, and managing both in-person and virtual attendees.

These are some of the top hybrid meeting tools available, offering a range of features for both in-person and remote participants.

Final Thoughts

Running successful hybrid meetings requires several steps. Hosts need a mix of careful planning, the right technology, and effective communication strategies. The most important part of these sessions is ensuring each participant feels included and heard. With these key steps in mind, you will be well-equipped to host productive and engaging hybrid meetings.

Next, check out our posts on conference apps, remote work trends, and 30-minute virtual icebreakers.

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FAQ: How to run hybrid meetings

Here are frequently asked questions about how to run hybrid meetings.

What are the best tips for running hybrid meetings?

The best tips for running hybrid meetings include having a clear agenda, using reliable technology platforms, and ensuring equal participation from all attendees.

How do you help workers participate equally during hybrid meetings?

To help workers participate equally during hybrid meetings, you can use tools like polling or chat features for real-time feedback. You can also encourage active participation by asking individuals questions directly. It is also important that each team member has access to necessary documents or visuals. Further, rotate meeting times if team members are in different time zones.

What are the best tools for hybrid meetings?

The best tools for hybrid meetings include video conferencing platforms, collaborative tools, and project management software. For instance, Zoom, Google Docs, and Trello can all help meetings run smoothly.

How do you facilitate hybrid meetings?

Facilitating hybrid meetings involves ensuring that all participants can engage equally. Hosts manage the meeting agenda, moderate discussions, and address any technical issues promptly.

What are the best team building exercises for hybrid meetings?

The best team building exercises for hybrid meetings include virtual icebreakers, online games or quizzes, and collaborative brainstorming sessions.

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I write about my experience working with and leading remote teams since 2010.


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